We began Day 3 the same as Day 2 – with a 45 minute run around the area between Epcot and MGM Studios and breakfast in our wonderful room at the Swan.
Since Susan had not yet seen the new “Nemo the Musical” show at Animal Kingdom, we decided to go there first thing.
Upon arriving, we were shocked at the long lines at the park entrance.
I’ve been to the Animal Kingdom dozens of times at different times of the year and different days of the week and I’ve never seen that many people queued up at the turnstiles.
It took us at least 15, maybe 20 minutes to just get into the park.
Our plan was to get Fastpasses (FP) for Expedition Everest, see Nemo and do things like the Safari ride, Pangani Trail, etc. as needed to fill time.
Susan and I separated while she went to get a Times Guide to check the Nemo show schedule and I went on to Expedition Everest to get the Fastpasses.
I kept checking behind me expecting her to catch up but she never did (as it turned out – she took a wrong turn along the way).
After getting the FP I looked around for her near the attraction but still didn’t see her.
I picked up a Times Guide myself and noted the Nemo show was starting at 11:30 and ASSumed that Susan was probably waiting for me there so off I went.
Upon arriving, Susan was nowhere to be found.
Hmmm…she must be waiting for me just inside the door of the theatre I told myself so I continued into the theatre…No Susan…Hmmm.
Why not just call her you’re probably wondering?
I’ll tell you why - because Susan didn’t have her cell phone.
I found a seat inside and watched the entrances hoping/expecting she’d come in but she never did.
So here we are 2 people out of tens of thousands in a 500 acre theme park with no easy way to find each other.
I stayed for the show (I highly recommend it by the way) and was thrilled to find Susan waiting for me at the show’s exit.
Hurray – reunited!
I believe we ate lunch next at the McDonald’s restaurant in Dinoland…we split a nutritious (NOT) double cheeseburger and fries. Next, we went to Harambe to get FPs for the Safari Ride and then walked the Pangani Trail where I got a cute picture of a meerkat (above). We then returned to Asia to do the Maharaja Jungle Trek, where we saw this tiger (below), before using our FPs to ride Expedition Everest (roller coaster in background of photo below). We returned to Harambe for a cool (and alcoholic) beverage at the Dawa Bar before cashing in our Safari FPs. We ended our day at the AK by catching another show of Nemo.

We returned to our hotel to freshen up and then headed to Epcot for more of the Food & Wine Festival. We had thoughts of perhaps catching the 5:45 pm David Cassidy show at the American Gardens Theatre but it was full. We stood at the back of the theatre and listened briefly to his opening number and I wasn’t at all impressed but there were plenty of older ladies in the audience that were apparently reliving their girlish crushes from the Partridge Family days. They can have him!
We met up with Tony O’Neil and his wife Cosette again and decided to eat at Tangierine’s CafĂ© at the Morocco pavilion. It’s always been a favorite of ours and we were able to enjoy a nice meal at an outside table. Tony and Cosette had not yet seen the movie “Impressions de France” at the France pavilion so we did that next. After that, Tony and Cosette headed off to the Land pavilion to use their Soarin’ FPs. Susan and I thought it would be fun to go to the Adventurer’s Club at Pleasure Island so we returned to the Swan to put on some warmer clothes as it was starting to get a little chilly outside. As it turned out, this was a wise decision – not so much for the outside temperature but the Disney bus we stayed on for 30 minutes getting to Pleasure Island was FREEZING. The Disney bus driver explained that Disney had done a study on this and concluded that it was best to have the buses serving Downtown Disney/Pleasure Island really cold because 1) it helped to keep the inebriated people from getting sick, 2) it helped keep the inebriated people awake so they wouldn’t miss their bus stop. I might buy that story later in the evening but not at 8:30 pm. Bottom line we were SO GLAD to get off that bus!
It has been several years since I’d been to the Adventurer’s Club and I’ve missed it. For those that may not be familiar with the AC, it’s a themed bar/theatre that features actors that portray various members of the Adventurer’s Club. When you enter the club, you step back in time as the “show” is set on New Year’s Eve, 1937. You’re welcomed as a visitor and the Club is holding an Open House to recruit new members (that’s you). There’s lots of humor, shows, skits and even opportunities for audience participation. I was “lucky” enough to be chosen to go up on stage for one skit. It’s all in good fun and Susan and I had a great time.